Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Power in the Positive

Our world is made up of the negative and the positive. Just look at an atom. There is positve enrgy in the center of the nucleus, while negative energy orbits around it. A magnet also carries positve and negative energy. You can see God's signature in all things of His creation. You can't  have one without the other.

Likewise, you can see God's handwriting in people. But unlike atoms and magnets, we can choose whether to be a positve energy force or a negative one. As you go through your day, thinks about the power you have to choose.One smile, one small gesture of kindness or one silent moment of empathy can benefit someone's life forever, giving hope when all seems hopeless. Choosing to be the positive element in a negative world could be the most precious gift you give to those you love as well as strangers. Positive energy grows and spreads. Share it. It takes practice and focus to be positive. But after time, it will become part of you. After time, you will find yourself naturally responding to situations positively.

Electrons are contantly moving, never settling. But look at the proton, the one with the positive energy. It just sits quietly in the nucleus. Don't spend your energy running around being negative. Sometimes, just sit quiet and listen. being negative takes a lot of energy. God only gives us so much energy a day. Don't waste it by pulling others down. Invest it by lifitng others up.

And remember, today, you were given the power...the power to be positive.


S.B.Niccum said...

How true KF! I agree 100%

Cynthia Schuerr said...

Great blog, Kim! I love the color and the fact that it refreshes me. AND I agree with you on all counts.

Shelley Ledfors said...

This is very nice. I agree with Cynthia, it has a refreshing feel about it. Good post, too.

- K - said...

I positively agree, Kim! Great post!

Ellen C Maze said...

That's my friend Kim! YOU'RE TERRIFIC! :-)

Krisi Keley said...

Beautiful post, Kim! Thank you so much for the inspiring words!


Wonderful post, Kim. And how fitting that I just read on S.B. Niccum's blog (spiritualsupernaturalparanormal dot blogspot dot com)about how attitude is everything! Her guest made the following comment: "If you want something bad enough, work at it. Never for one second of your life ever waste time thinking that you “can’t” do something. Achieving anything worthwhile is always going to be 90% mental. If you can train your brain to believe you can do it, you will accomplish whatever you set your mind out to achieving. A negative attitude in life will get you nowhere." How well the two go hand in hand!